Thursday, April 24, 2014

KOP Styling Featured on THESUNK.COM


Late last year I shared some behind the scenes photos of a menswear editorial I did featuring blogger Steven Hall, also known as The Sunk. We've finally released the project and he has featured it on his blog The Sh*t You Need to Know. Make sure you check out his site because it's filled with interesting material from dating, food to music and pop culture but WARNING it's definitely not for the sexually shy. The link to the photo story on The Sunk's blog can be found here. More of my styling work is coming ladies and gents. I promise. But for now enjoy what I entitiled "The Lone Wolf". 
Signed KOP

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

King of Posh Interviews For The Vocal Vixen

First I would like to start off with a HAPPY APRIL LOVES!!! I hope no one was horribly  tricked this past April Fool's Day. In New York we have already been staying true to the old saying "April Showers", with slightly warmer yet rainy days. But nothing can rain on my parade today because a great interview  I did for celebrity news and fashion blog, The Vocal Vixen, went live today. I am so humbled when others take the time to notice what I am working so hard to accomplish.  It was great to be able to express who I am and what my brand stands for. You can find the complete article  here. Thank you all for your support and hopefully there will be more press to come!  
Signed KOP

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